Artificial Intelligence Basics


Click on the link above to open the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction website on artificial intelligence guidance for K-12 public schools. OSPI has put together updated guidance with great resources for integrating AI and AI literacy in educational settings.

AI Student Code of Conduct

Click on the link above to access Battle Ground Public School's adopted AI Student Code of Conduct. This can also be found in our Board Policy under 2023c. It identifies student responsibilities and three AI levels that can be identified for assignments and assessments.

Building AI Literacy is a priority and connects with becoming future ready so students can be adaptable and successful no matter where their future takes them. Click on the link above to access some of the AI Literacy lessons for grades 6-12 through Common Sense Media.

Click on the link above for Google's guide for guardians on artificial intelligence. It gives some basic information and an overview on AI and some tips for discussing AI with students. You can also check out Google's safety tips below.

Check out Google’s 5 Key Safety Tips When Using AI! Working alongside their AI experts and external education experts, Google defined the most important AI safety tips, which have been endorsed by the Family Online Safety Institute and Connect Safely.

Video Tutorials

What is AI?

Check out the video above for a brief overview on artificial intelligence. This video makes the concepts easier to understand and comes from Common Sense Media's AI Literacy lessons linked in the section above.

Preparing for the Future

AI is already here and has been here for a while (this video was first published all the way back in 2019 and is still more than relevant!) Check out the video above from the association behind our national technology standards that highlights the importance of including AI in education.

How AI Could Save Education

Check out the video above of Sal Khan's Ted Talk on AI in education. Sal is the founder of the Khan Academy and speaks about the positive impact AI can have in education.

Advancing Education with AI

Check out the video above for how Google is thinking about AI to power the future of education.

Bringing Ideas to Life with AI

Check out the inspiring video above for a creative look at how multimodal AI can bring ideas to life in different ways for kids and families as well as in an educational setting.