Parent Academy Webinars
During distance learning in 2020-2021 we held various webinars for parents and guardians to support the use of technology tools at home. The webinar recordings and slides presentations are available below as resources for the content that is still applicable in the district.
Check out any of the recordings or slides to review how those platforms or programs are used or take a deeper look at curriculum.
Google Classroom for Parents
Learn how to navigate the Google Classroom platform. See the teacher AND student views. Discover how your child will use Google Classroom to access their assignments and get feedback from their teachers. See how you can use guardian summaries to stay in the loop and help your child stay on track.
For: Grades K–12 parents
Bridges Math for Parents
An introduction to BridgesMath and how the program supports problem solving and skill building in grades K-5. Learn how you can engage in math with your child using BridgesMath three components: Problems and Investigations, Workplaces and Number Corner. See how your child's math classroom is different from the math classroom you experienced as a student.
For: K–5 parents
Illustrative Math for Parents
Explore the instructional resources of Illustrative Mathematics, the district's math curriculum for grades 6–8. Get an overview of the "big ideas" presented at each grade level and learn how you can support your child as they develop a solid foundation that will prepare them for high school math.
For: Grades 6–8 parents
SEL for Remote Learning
This course will discuss how to support your children’s social and emotional growth and minimize behavioral disruptions in the home. Strategies include: How to structure your students' day to help with emotional regulation, daily schedules, creating expectations, providing feedback, the importance of social connection with family and friends, and tips to help with anxiety/stress.
For: K-12 parents
Skyward for Parents
Explore the parent module of Skyward Family Access, the district's student information system. Learn how to get notifications about grades, absences and meal balances. Find out how you can drill down into your child's grades and see what assignments they are missing. Check lunch account balance, print a report card, request changes to contact information and more—all in one place!
For: Grades 5-12 parents

Slides Presentation

Session Recording
Imagine Learning for Parents
This course is a general overview of how Imagine Learning supports English language acquisition in all four domains: reading, writing, listening & speaking. We will explore the process of language acquisition and methods for practicing reading, writing, listening and speaking at home.
For: K-4 English Learner parents

Slides Presentation

Session Recording
Distance Learning Survival Guide
Learn the basics of how to support your student during remote learning or when engaged in any virtual learning: How to log in to student accounts on Chromebooks and on home computers; how to log in to Zoom and participate in Zoom classes; and navigating Clever, the Seesaw family app, and Google Classroom guardian summaries.
For: K–12 parents