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Zoom basics

  • Teachers host Zoom meetings for virtual class sessions and office hours to answer questions and get help.

  • Zoom is a way to connect with classmates and teacher for synchronous learning opportunities during online classes.

  • Parents and guardians can connect with teachers and school staff for conferences using Zoom.

Video Tutorials

This video walks through the steps of logging in and joining a Zoom meeting as a student.

This video shows the basics of how to join and attend a Zoom meeting as a student.

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Zoom has it's own set of video tutorials for using its platform that you can check out above.

Additional Resources

How to Attend a Zoom Meeting for Parents

Click on the link above or access the document too the left for a full step-by-step guide with a video tutorial included for attending a district Zoom meeting as a parent/guardian.

Student Tips for Participating in Online Learning.pdf

This document from Zoom shares best practices for using Zoom for online learning.

Click the link above for some great information from Common Sense Media on preparing students for using video chat programs like Zoom for online classes.

You can access Zoom's Frequently Asked Questions via their Help Center for more support above.